User Profile for Voltaire53

Voltaire53 High Rating
Tagline: Missed again!
Location: United Kingdom  Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Occupation: Network/Integration/Test Engineer
Interests: Web design, SF, wargaming, military... oh, and DVDs, Blu-rays and 4Ks
Member Since: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 (6401 days ago)
Last Forum Visit: Tuesday, August 20, 2024 8:44 PM
Forum Posts: 2293    Forum posts by Voltaire53
Accepted Profile Contributions: 4413
Accepted Image Contributions: 1837
Contribution Votes Cast: 17914
Profile Links Submitted: 360
Contact Information
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Online Collection
Last Uploaded: Total DVDs: 8,503
Total Views: 12,702    Owned: 5,692
   Ordered: 34
View collection now  [Copy this link]    Wishlist: 2,777
Recent Purchases
Bad Boys: Ride or Die
Bad Boys: Ride or Die: Steelbook® Edition
Civil War
Civil War
The Last Breath